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Treating Frozen Shoulder

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

I'm sure you have an auntie or uncle is around about the age of 50 that's struggling to lift his or her arm up. 

There are various problems that can go wrong with the shoulder. 

But typically it affects adults at around about the age of 50, and mainly in females, for reasons unknown, it might be related to some hormonal changes. 

Over a period of time, the shoulder becomes more and more stiff, and more and more difficult to actually lift. 

It's a very classic condition called adhesive capsulitis or more commonly a frozen shoulder. 

When you see someone who can put their hand behind the back, the woman's unable to do her bra strap, because her hand is stuck and unable to lift their arm, this is called a frozen stage of frozen shoulder. 

There are three stages. 

Number one, for some reason, your shoulder starts to get painful, but you're still able to move it around and then after a few months, suddenly it becomes literally frozen and stuck and it becomes very difficult and extremely painful to move, that phase is the frozen phase.

The second phase can take up to two years to go away after you start your treatment and rehabilitation exercises. 

The third phase is where the pain reduces and your range of motion increases and suddenly the shoulder gets better. 

It's an extremely difficult and frustrating condition to live with and it's also not an easy condition to treat. 

Sometimes Physiotherapy actually causes more pain in the shoulder because you try and force the shoulder and that causes more stickiness and pain. 

So what we tried to do at Spine and Joint is we use Shockwave Therapy to work along the back of the muscle and on the back of the joint to try and improve some of the movement there for your initial treatments. 

Then, with very specific Physiotherapy exercises to try and help your shoulder to regain some motion. 

It's a difficult condition to treat. But it's worth trying some of our treatments to shorten that frozen period.

So if you have a sore shoulder or a friend who seems to have difficulty in lifting and putting the shoulder behind the back, don't wait too long. 

Come in. Let's take a look at it and see how we can help. Have a great day.

For more information, contact us or take a free self-assessment at



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